15 ago 2011

All, now, here, trembling in anxiety,

Run, right now. This kind of stuff is universally hated by people with big brains. It's the kind of stuff you hear in cheesy songs and corny tv shows, so you avoid it as if it was a big big skunk waiting in the road for you to hit it with your car, with the wheels of your old big truck, a big big skunk that will make you smell forever for everybody that comes in your way. A big big skunk forever attached in your forehead advising them to escape. Run, right now. This kind of stuff is universally feared by people with big brains. It's the kind of stuff that makes you grotesque, sad and human. Full on sound and fury, signifying nothing. The kind of stuff that appears to you after years of accepted loneliness and lack of communication in a simple chat with someone that is just like everybody, in a place that is just like every place, in a time that may be just like any time (your needs change, but no so fast): in a simple chat in the checkout, in a bus, in a place you're leaving to come back. A simple chat, nothing fancy. To be looked, to be said: "hey, here's your ticket, have a nice day", and to think that this girl with your change and her freckles really cares. Beware, skunk! How long has it been since something not necessary, not intended, happened just because? Since you chatted, just because? Since you last broke your expected, logic way of like? Since you talked and talked and talked about nothing, about everything, since you said things that have been said by millions before, just because you wanted, you needed, you could, just because? Hum, so unnecessary! So trivial, unimportant, non transcendental! And small! Smashed, crashed, carrion. Beware, skunk, beware! You can be smelt for miles, and miles, and miles!

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